Thursday, December 11, 2008

Babysitting Kennabean!

So on Wednesday we got to baysit Kennabean ALL day! We had a good time. First we read books!

Then we took a very short nap with our glow worm!

Next we shared her chair and Hannah found an outfit to match her!

But Mostly we just wanted to be snuggled!

Friday, December 5, 2008

I am Playing

8 Resturants I enjoy
1. carrabas
2. Popo's
3. PF Changs
4. Red Lobster
5. Macayos
6. Black Angus
7. Chili's

8 Things that Happened yesterday
1. Slet "in" until 0730
2. Spent way too much at target on Christmas stuff
3. Spent way too much at Mervyns
4. Half ate breakfast with My moomy.. both had dental work and sore mouths!
5. Watched Alyssa cheer two games back to back!
6. Listened to my son have a melt down
7. picked up my house
8. Put up the 2nd Christmas tree at my house!

8 Things I am looking foward too
1. Sleeping tonight!
2. Hannah's dance tomorrow at the Holly Jolly Festival
3. Christmas!!!!!
4. Sleeping in on Sunday snuggled up to my hubby!
5. Biggest Loser Finale
6. Taking family pictures on Sunday
7. Baby sitting Kenna on Wed all day!!!
8. getting off work

8 things on my wish list
1. A happy and peaceful Christmas
2. My body back
3. to be under 200lbs
4. To be debt free
5. More patience
6. To buy my house
7. A new car
8. A breat 2009!

I am not tagging anyone!




About Me

Crazy, loud, loving, sometimes bossy, always on time, outgoing, friendly, passionate and the lover of MY FAMILY